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Home > MLS Resources > Square Footage Update February 2025
Square Footage Update February 2025
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After considering feedback from our subscribers, we are happy to announce that we are restructuring our square footage fields to provide better clarity and accuracy when inputting and displaying square footage information.

Previously, the square footage information was in the location information box. After the new display is rolled out, the Square Feet Information section will have its own box on the input page.

The following new fields will be available in Residential Listings in late February of 2025.

Above Grade Finished Area: This field reflects the total finished square footage that is above grade on a property.

Below Grade Finished Area: This field reflects the total finished square footage that is below grade on a property.

Total Finished Area: This field is a sum of the Above Grade Finished Area and Below Grade Finished Area fields. It is system calculated so you do not have to add them up yourself.

Above Grade Unfinished Area: This field reflects the total unfinished square footage that is above grade on a property.

Below Grade Unfinished Area: This field reflects the total unfinished square footage that is below grade on a property.

Total Unfinished Area: This field is a sum of the Above Grade Unfinished Area and Below Grade Unfinished.  Area fields. It is system calculated so you do not have to add them up yourself.

Sq Ft. Total (Public Rec): This is the square footage total that we receive from the tax records. If your square footage source is the same as the tax records, this field will match the Total Finished Area field. It is a system calculated field so you do not need to fill this field out yourself. In the initial rollout, this field will reflect the Finished Square feet total that was previously entered.

How will I search for listings before this change?

The Sq. Ft. Total (Public Rec) field will be populated on historical listings. To search for historical listings by square footage, please use this field. As more and more listings are entered using the new square footage organization, your use of this search field may decline.

Will my current saved searches and auto-emails be affected?

No. Since we are populating the Square Foot Total (Public Rec) field into historical listings, searches for historical listings (Sold, Expired, Released) will not be affective.

What about saved searches and auto-emails for Coming Soon, Active, and Pending listings?

We recommend updating your criteria to search for Total Finished Area. 

Can I still see Square Foot Total for historical listings when looking for comps?

Yes, add SqFtTotal as a column in the your single line display or Custom Export in order to see the historical field.

Which displays will be affected?

We will initially roll out this change to Residential listings only. The Matrix 360 property view and Map Displays will be updated first.

Will Fill From Tax Still Work?

Yes. We have updated the auto-population rules to match the new fields. It's always good to double check your listings, however.

Which square footage field will be displayed on third party sites?

Total Finished Area.


Old Input:


New Input:

New Map Display:


New Search Display:

New Listing Display:



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