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Home > Compliance > Auction Properties
Auction Properties
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All auction properties must have the following language in the Remarks field:


  • The property must be identified as an auction property.
  • You must identify the basis of the list price, which may be the assessment value, an appraisal value or the opening bid.
  • Whether or not pre-auction offers will be accepted.


You may include the following information in your Remarks field:


  • General information about the property.
  • The date, time and place of the auction.
  • The terms and conditions of the auction.
  • Whether the auction is being conducted with or without the seller’s reserve.
  • The time or way potential bidders may inspect the listed property.
  • The amount of Buyer premium, if any.
  • Any required procedures for Participants/Subscribers to register their representation of a potential bidder.
  • Any other material rules or procedures for the auction


The following information is prohibited in the Remarks field, but may be included in your Agent Comments field:


  • Contact or solicitation information.
  • Any URL addresses, including company, bidding platform, etc. 


See CVR MLS Rule  5.31 – Auction Properties ( for more information. 

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