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Matrix January 2024 Updates
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What’s New in Matrix 11.2 - 11.2.3

Check out the latest and greatest in Matrix 11.2! Matrix is the go-to listing management platform for over 1M real estate professionals across North America, and it keeps getting better. CoreLogic is always improving Matrix to meet the needs of real estate agents and their clients.

Get ready for some seriously awesome program enhancements in several key areas.

  • A completely redesigned home page Dashboard for faster access to essential tools and information that you use every day.
  • A new home page Timeline of client activity to help you gain more insights on high priority active clients, and their recent activities, right from the Matrix Dashboard.
  • New My Matrix pages for Saved Searches and Auto Emails make managing searches and listing alerts even easier.
  • Refinements to the New Search experience (responsive three-panel search) to make searches easier with criteria, map results, and a summary of matching listings all on one screen.




New Dashboard

Changes in Matrix 11.2

Coming to all Matrix customers, the all-new home page dashboard features a variety of important improvements.

  • The new responsive interface automatically adjusts the dashboard layout based on screen width. On a computer, the dashboard panels are arranged in multiple columns with the number of columns based on the user’s screen size.
  • You can easily edit the dashboard’s default layout by adding, removing, and reordering panels as you like. The News & Alerts panel is always displayed in the first position but is hidden automatically when there is nothing new to show, saving screen space.
  • The My Listings panel now displays up to eight items of your choice, which are always displayed even if their count is zero. This change prevents abuse of the My Listings feature and improves system performance. For convenience, a complete list of every item is only one click away.
  • The Search panel uses the same modern controls as the New Search (responsive three-panel search). Search results are displayed using the New Search layout if available.
  • Custom panels that frame external web pages may require some reconfiguration to support the panel size changes.
  • The dashboard uses the new responsive page header and navigation menu used elsewhere in Matrix, making the entire home page mobile friendly.



Changes in Matrix 11.2.3

  • Dashboard widgets auto-adjust their height to display content without scrollbars, maintaining a consistent top-to-bottom order for easy navigation. 
  • The Dashboard layout is intuitive and consistent, with widgets arranged in a fixed order (like 1, 2, 3... across the top). The second widget on the left column is always the first widget that doesn’t appear in the top row, ensuring a predictable and easy-to-navigate interface regardless of each widget's height.
  • Maximize screen space with widgets that can be collapsed, allowing for a cleaner and more efficient dashboard view.
  • Prefer the traditional layout? Switch to Classic Mode for the original Dashboard experience, with details available in the section below.


Changes in Matrix 11.2

Matrix 11.2 adds a new Timeline feature to the Matrix Dashboard. Located on the left side of the dashboard, the Timeline lists recent client activity in chronological order.

  • Compatible with both OneHome and the original Matrix Client Portal, the Timeline displays a full account of your clients’ activity—such as picking favorites, discarding listings, writing notes, saving searches, updating their planner, and more. The Timeline also shows when clients opt in, opt out, or unsubscribe from email and text communications.
  • The Timeline shows activity for the last seven days, with the most recent events at the top of the list. Scrolling to the bottom of the list automatically loads older events.
  • The Timeline does not refresh automatically during a session. Click the refresh icon to see any new events since you logged in.
  • Click the gear icon to customize which types of events are displayed in your Timeline.
  • You can collapse and expand the Timeline panel as needed, and Matrix will remember how you left it.





New My Matrix Pages

Changes in Matrix 11.2

Accessed from the My Matrix menu, the Saved Searches and Auto Email pages have been redesigned using the new phone-friendly interface.

  • These pages now display searches and auto emails the same way as the contact record.
  • The list shows basic information while collapsed (contact, search name, auto email status, etc.). You can expand a list item to display its full information and available actions.
  • You can search the list for the item you want or click the chevron icon to access a variety of familiar sort and filter options.
  • The search Settings also use the new responsive interface.


Changes in Matrix 11.2.3

  • Experience upgraded usability on the Saved Searches and Auto Emails pages, now featuring sortable columns. This new design retains all the familiar data from the classic versions but allows for more efficient organization and navigation.


  • Simplify your workflow with the addition of checkboxes on the Saved Searches and Auto Emails pages. This convenient feature enables you to select multiple searches and execute bulk actions, such as running a Market Update for all chosen searches, with just a single click.
  • For users who prefer the traditional interface, the option to revert to the previous versions of these pages is readily available through the Classic Mode option. Detailed information about this alternative is provided in a dedicated section below, ensuring a smooth transition for those seeking a more familiar experience.


Classic Mode Option

Added in Matrix 11.2.3

A new "Classic Mode" switch is available in the utility menu (under "Hello FirstName") allowing each user to select whether they wish to see some features in a new, responsive user interface or in the same style they've had for years.

This is a single setting which applies across the user’s experience, not something they can set one way for some pages and a different way for others. Pages which will vary based on this setting are:

  • The new responsive Dashboard ("New mode”) or the same Home page as before ("Classic mode")
  • The new responsive Saved Searches page, or the old one
    • The Settings page accessed from each version differs accordingly as well
  • The new responsive Auto Emails page, or the old one

Additionally, for users who have access to the new three-panel search, when running a search from the speedbar or the search widget on the dashboard/home page, they'll see those results in either the new search UI or the classic one, based on their mode.

The default setting for all members can be set at the MLS level.



Three-Panel Search Enhancements

Matrix 11.2 delivers several enhancements to the New Search experience (responsive three-panel search) that was introduced in 2022.

  • New pop-over windows let you email listings and work with Auto Emails and Saved Searches without leaving the three-panel search screen. (The Concierge listing approval screen will be updated in a future release.)
  • The new contact picker control is easy to use on mobile devices and provides better support for large contact lists.
  • “Expand” icons on the Map and Search Results List let you maximize the size of the selected panel while hiding the other one. Click the icon a second time to view both panels again.
  • When viewing a Saved Search or Auto Email linked to a contact, the Search Results List and listing Summary panel display “Goggles” information—what the client will actually see.
  • You can now search by multiple measurements within a single field, e.g., searching Lot Size either by Acres or Square Feet.
  • Confirmation messages shown at the top of the screen now close automatically after 10 seconds instead of needing to be dismissed manually.
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