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Home > Matrix Tips > How do I set up custom exports in Matrix?
How do I set up custom exports in Matrix?
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How To Create A Custom Export in Matrix

1. In Matrix, go to "My Matrix", "Settings", then "Custom Exports". This will take you to "Manage Custom Exports"

2. Click on "Add Export"

3. At the top, give your new export a name. Then choose the fields you want in your CSV file from the Available Fields box and move them over to the box on the right, putting them in the order you want them to be in the download file. You can add up to 75 fields in the export

4. Choose your selection at the bottom for the column names and the separator choice

5. Verify everything, then click on "Save." This will create your custom export


Run a search for the listings you wish to download the data from. Once you have them up on your screen in the "Agent Single Family" view, tag the ones that you wish to download. Once you have done that, look at the menu line at the bottom. You should see a menu button now called Export. 


When you click that, a page will come up telling you how many listings will be exported, and which export file format to use. Click on the dropdown and select the export you just created, then click Export. Matrix will then download the fields you put in that export, from the listings that you have tagged in your search results, and will download the data to your computer in a CSV file.

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